Struggling with math can make students feel discouraged, anxious and frustrated with themselves, their homework and their teachers. Learning math with Jack is a way to lessen some of those stresses. Jack provides a patient, consistent, informed and fun environment for students who find concepts difficult and want to expand their knowledge around math and other mathematical concepts including chemistry and computer science, that will prove foundational in their future academic studies.

At Learn Math with Jack, a serious approach is taken to learning, with room for some fun, including stickers and candy, when the situation calls for it. Jack is committed to getting through the concepts that seem difficult, all while nurturing a love for math that will help any student through their educational career.


I have known Jack for 9 years and can attest that he is a person of integrity and commitment. When I taught Jack, it was evident to me that he had a natural talent in mathematics and it was a pleasure to watch that talent grow into a passion. Jack has won numerous prizes in this field; however, more importantly than that, he has found a way to share his love of math and his knowledge of its concepts with other students. I highly recommend Jack as a tutor and a coach for those students who are looking to solidify their foundation in mathematics and also for those who want to reach further in this area of study.

— Ms. McClure | Grade 5 teacher | Trinity College School